When men come into the store and say they need a suit, I always ask them how soon do you need it? In other words, is there enough time for a made-to-measure(MTM) suit? If the gentleman has the time, then he would do himself a favor opting for the made to measure suit. Some men call it a bespoke suit or tailor made suit; even a custom made suit. Or he can choose an off-the-rack(OTR) suit? Depending on the gentleman's size, we will recommend a made-to-measure suit.
We consider the three main components in a made-to-measure suit- fit, fabric, & construction. A well fitting suit is a statement of quality and an investment well worth making.
There are starting fabrics for OTR suits, which are often limited choices in solids and subtle patterns. The choices for a MTM suit expands to several hundred colors and patterns. You get a finer fabric complimenting the construction and fit. From Worsted 100s to Super 150s, these fine wools are perfect for daily wear. You can make your wardrobe unique in colors, patterns and design. Fabric is usually the first choice that a gentleman picks for his garment. Made-To-Measure suits last longer, take more wear & tear, and offer nearly unlimited personalization.
During the initial appointment, we discuss the customer's requirements of the garment. We then choose the fabric and then take the measurements; but not always in that order. And whatever fabric he selects, he will love wearing it for meetings, confernces, events, galas, and parties. The benefit of the MTM suit makes a man feel positive and confident. When you gain confidence in your profession, you enjoy your work and life. This attitude spills over into every aspect of your existence. When measuring, we take into account: the sloping or squareness of the shoulders, posture, head position, chest fullness or slight build, and chest darts which help the lapel hug a fuller chest. Most alterations cannot fix these due to a mans body shape. The coat has to be cut to fit his unique torso. All of these are figured out so it fits as the client wants.
The details in the suit give you options beyond whats in a OTR suit. MTM has the options of: two or three button, side or center vent, outside ticket pocket, and pleats or no pleats on the pants. You can choose from several silouettes for the fit of your suit; from classic to slim. You can select different colored button on the sport coat or suit jacket. For the fall season, men put suede elbow patches on certain sport coats giving them a natty look and feel. Some of our clients don't stop there. They choose a peak lapel instead of a regular notch lapel, a hand pick stitch around the lapel edge, or surgeon sleeves (working buttonholes) on suit or sportcoat. Choosing as many or a few details makes a garment unique and reflects the wearers personality.
Altering a garment to fit has its limitations determined by a customers build. It only reveals imperfections in sizing someone on a proprtional range. If he's outside that range, then bringing him to the correct size is the only option. A MTM suit is the best option taking out all the guesswork from alterations. A MTM suit fits better than a second skin, it moves with you. Tailoring a suit not only fits a customer perfectly and it also accentuates your best features while masking the ones that you'd prefer to keep hidden. We measure the man, not the garment to fit correctly.
We are fully qualified to measure and notice all the angle's and nuances of the wearer's body. We specialize in the made-to-measure suits and also create a pattern from initial measurements. People use made-to-measure interchangeably with tailor-made, custom-tailored, well-tailored, specially-made, custom-built, and custom-made. We send your measurements to Oxxford Clothes, Hickey-Freeman, Empire Clothes or Northwick. The construction time can last 5 to 8 weeks. We don't want a client to say the garment fits "Just fine." No it needs to exceed his expectations. You are only limited by your imagination and budget.
The looming technology during the last 75 years has made incredible strides compared to the previous 300 years. Fabrics used to be bulky, itchy and had little drape. Nowadays a common daily suit for men is Super 120s which 75 years ago was considered a luxury fabric. In Chattanooga, we make and carry several yeard-round, light weight suits. The norm in 8.5 to 9 ounces which may not sound like much. We don't get the temperature extremes the north and northeast get. In Europe 200 years ago, men stayed warm wearing the heavier suits during winter. Temperatures ranged from lows of 20 degrees Fahrenheit to highs of 55 degrees- 13 degrees to -7 degrees Celsius. You wanted to wear warm garments. Today, we have AC and central heat to regulate our homes. We don't need to wear heavy clothing in the winter anymore and can wear comfortable weights all year.
This demand for the year round fabrics has increased to offer hundreds of choices. They offer different colors, weaves and patterns. Classic patterns include: stripes, windowpanes, glen plaids, and herringbones. Other patterns are sharkskins, twill weaves, and nailsheads, And in solids, there is a plain weave and even a non-solid solid. Yes, that is what they call it, and its different from a sharkskin. The majority of fabrics are constructed from wool with linen/wool or cashmere/wool blends available for suits. You will find silk/wool/linen, linen/wool, silk/cashmere, and cotton/wool blends available for sportcoats. Cloth for sportcoats either have a tight or open weave.
There's just no better feeling than putting on a well tailored suit after wearing an ill tailored suit. A well tailored suit highlights your strengths while an ill tailored suit cannot hide your flaws. And each time a gentleman gets a suit made for him; he loves how it fits and wears. He enjoys utilizing the suit in his wardrobe, he cannot bear the thought of going back from wearing a suit he selected and fits immpeccably.
735 Broad Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
Business Hours:
M-F 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday 9 am - 1 pm
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