Many men struggle with choosing what to wear when they are invited to weddings, formal events, social events and business functions. At Bruce Baird Clothiers we help men navigate the wardrobe dos and don’ts and put their best foot forward.
Choosing the correct wedding attire can be the most overwhelming of all social gatherings when selecting your attire. Wedding planners often spend just as much time on coordinating a wedding as they do in giving guidance on appropriate wedding attire. The biggest component in choosing the proper wedding attire is the time of day that the wedding is taking place. Once you know the time, the selection process becomes much easier.
Wedding Times:
Morning till Noon: Morning Suit – which is a cutaway coat with gray or stripped trousers.
Noon till 6 PM: Business Suit (semi-formal)
6 PM till 8 PM: Tuxedo/Black Tie (formal)
Wedding held between Easter and Labor Day also allow options for seersucker or poplin suits, or just matching blazers. It is also appropriate to wear grey, ivory or white trousers with a navy or black blazer.
When attending balls, galas, fundraisers or business functions always be aware of start times and dress code instructions on invitations. When hosting an event of any kind, always dress in your best.
Business Attire – black tie optional – suit, dressy enough to wear in place of a tuxedo, not a day or country suit
Business Casual – sports coat, pant & shirt, tie or sports coat optional Sports shirt & pant wool pant or dress shirt
Resort Casual – khakis & knit shirt, Option to add a spring sports coat for whimsical appeal Shorts & knit shirt
Casual – jeans with knit shirt or sports coat Khakis with knit shirt or t-shirt
Golfing – golf trousers with knit shirt or Golf shorts with knit shirt
735 Broad Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402
Business Hours:
M-F 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday 9 am - 1 pm
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